Tuesday, 10 June 2014

reference in art and design

In art and design reference is an important part of how good a piece of work is, many artists use reference it is almost like building a house, you wouldnt build a house without plans would you? well its the same concept in art and design and many inexperianced artists forget this aspect as the more reference is done and worked on the better the art or design will be. for example with this 3D model of a camera the person who made this would not have done this from just memory alone, they would have used pictures of the real thing as reference to make their work more accurate.
Gothic drawings and art show a very dark almost jagged form and have a corralation between each other, being that they are portrayed to be very symetrical and have mass amounts of detail in them. Also chruches started to incorprate gothic styles into the build and fabricating of their churches. 

Renaissance is another example of how an art style influenced a cluture or a religion. renaissance influenced religion when artists in italy which

very often mythology can influence art and design such as greek mythology influencing lots of art. for example bottacelli's famous art piece La nascita di Venere which is derived from greek mythology.alsolots of other myths and stories have influenced art in many ways. such as the picture below which shows many illistrations of greek mythology done by an artist.

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